Monday, November 11, 2013


This was my last trip and I couldn't be happier to be done traveling.  No more RyanAir with airplanes that I can barely fit in, living out of a suitcase, and 3 hour bus rides from Galway to Dublin Airport.  Done done done. But London was great...just a little rainy.  After arriving on late Thursday, we got dinner at Sam and Will's school and checked out a few pubs.  After waking up around 12PM Friday, Will and I made a really good effort to go see London, but ended up in a Starbucks for about 2 hours...

We saw two girls with their ENTIRE collection of make up, putting it on in Starbucks at a table.  It was as if they woke up, then went to Starbucks to get ready for their day.  Then, we saw this man trying to hypnotize himself.  He had a coin tied to a string and waved it in front of himself 20 different times. We didn't get it. THEN, two skinny girls next to use were sharing a piece of carrot cake and were having a hard time eating it.  And we couldn't help but think what's wrong with them.  After Sam finally woke up around 2PM, she joined Will and I at Starbucks, and we went to the bank and to a really cheap store that I can't remember the name of. Oh, and we got cookies that were overpriced.  On the way back, the subway lines got held up because of some accident, so the platform was over flowing with people...literally. The escalators kept bringing people down, but there was no where for them to go since the subways weren't working, so the escalators turned off.  It was as if London shut down because people literally stood on the escalators like they were trapped, when they could have simply used them as stairs.  Weird.

On Saturday we made it out to explore London.  We saw the London Eye, a big blue chicken, Parliament, Big Ben, a telephone booth, and the London Bridge.

And of course, accounting firms continue to follow me.

London was really fun, and if I end up with extra cash I might go back one more time.